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Zach Adams
Zach Adams is the marketing manager for Craw-Kan Telephone Cooperative. Craw-Kan offers cooperative members security systems, local telephone, long distance, high speed internet, digital cable television, IP television and cellular phone service. Zach can be contacted directly at Craw-Kan (620)724-8235 or by emailing zach@ckt.net.
2011-09-29 10:52:38
Explaining QR codes
A: What you are seeing are referred to as QR bar codes. QR stands for Quick Response. Commonly referred to as QR codes or just QR’s, these are a newer type of bar code technology that can have information embedded into it. What makes QR codes interesting is the fact that a relatively large amount of information can be coded into a small space, QR codes are quickly readable, and free smart phone applications used to read QR codes are readily available. If you see something with a QR code on it and scan it, it may do something completely different than the last code you scanned. There are many different uses for QR Codes, and new ones are being developed daily. Here is a list of existing types of data that can currently be embedded into a QR: • Plain Text • Website URL • Telephone Number • SMS Message • Email Message • Contact Details • Google Map • Paypal Buy Now Link • Social Media – Twitter, Facebook, etc. • YouTube Video To scan a QR code you will need a scanner like QR Droid for Android or QR Reader for iPhone. Grab one, install it, and start scanning codes today! You may get a great deal, something for free, or just make life a little easier for yourself!
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