| Jude Messner, RN, MA, PhD, Reiki Master, is the owner-operator of The Relaxation Station and Boutique in Pittsburg, Kansas. Relaxation Therapy Facilitator, Spiritual Counselor and Motivational Speaker, Jude’s educational background a;so includes Masters Degrees in Divinity, Spiritual Counseling, and Business, and a Doctorate Degree in World Cultural Studies. She is a certified in Tuning Fork Therapy®, Soft Touch Auric Massage®. Jude is a member of the American Holistic Nurses Association and a member of the Healing Touch Professional Association. For more information please visit www.EZonthestress.com. |
Health & Wellness
2011-10-20 12:38:50
Managing stress
A: A nice fall morning, a hot cup of Chai and the sounds of nature, what a lovely way to start a morning!
But, it wasn’t always like this. Getting the family off in the morning; getting ready for a hectic day at work; planning the meals for the evening; and deciding the priorities of the day or even the week, took precedence over sitting on the deck with a soothing cup of Chai. Now those were the days!
In truth, I would not trade those memories for anything, they were hectic crazy days and the stressors of everyday living were just a part of them.
But the stressors of everyday living can build, and those busy activities, even the fun ones can become overwhelming. When this happens, our lives become unbalanced, small irritations become large ones, and the disruption can interfere in our day to day living routines.
For the management of stress, a nice dose of “Me Time” can be a healthy solution. Quality “Me Time” requires some simple planning.
On a piece of paper, draw three columns. In the first column, write those activities that are absolutely necessary. Items such as study time, work or even meal preparation may fit into this column. In the second column, write those things that are not necessary. These are the things that nag at us, things that we seem to do out of habit rather than out of necessity or desire. These are the
things that you can give up, or at least modify so that you can accomplish that. This may include an activity that someone else has chosen as one of
your goals. In the third column, write down one thing that you would like to do for yourself, something that requires that you take a period of time to do. This may be as simple as taking a daily walk or as complicated as taking Zumba classes! The important thing is that you identify your priorities, determine whether they really are your priorities (or were they imposed upon you) and determine how you can reallocate your time and energies to provide for some quality “Me Time”.
Take Charge! Examine your stressors, decide which ones can be eliminated or at least revised and take the first step! Ahhhh …. These are the days!
Next month, Healthy Ways to Relax and Recharge!