| Mike Davied is the owner & operator of Mikes Repair & Fabrication LLC located in Frontenac, KS. He has been repairing equipment for 40 years and has ran his own business for 20 years. For more information or to contact Mike please call 620-235-0061. |
Equipment, Maintenance & Repair
2012-01-30 11:29:30
Oil sampling - series - part 2
A: Well, I’m NOT the expert, but each report should be read by an expert and translated so that the results will give you a picture of engine or gear box condition. For instance, water or anti-freeze in your engine oil means there is a coolant leak. Fuel in engine oil usually indicates a fuel leak or worn piston rings. Sometimes a leaking hydraulic pump will let the wrong oil into a transmission, I’ve even seen people put fuel in hydraulic tanks by mistake and wonder why the hydraulic temperature was so high.
Dirt in ANY oil sample means time to improve maintenance. Different wear metals will mean different things for different gear boxes etc. If everything is good ask the oil dealer if it is time to extend drain intervals. All reports will give you a reading for anything beyond normal findings and generally some recommendations to follow up.
And now for more current events, HOW about THAT Gorilla football team!!!! GREAT SEASON. See you next month.