| Jessica Dutton works to help educate and inform possible foster parents for TFI Family Services in Pittsburg. The agency will host a new series of PSP-MAPP classes for those interested in becoming foster parents. Classes start March 6th, 6pm-9pm at 3101 N. Michigan, Pittsburg and will run for 10 weeks, once a week.
For more information on becoming a foster or adoptive parent, please contact TFI Family Services, Inc. Toll Free 1-800-279-9914 or visit us online at www.tfifamilyservices.org. |
Family Living
2012-08-02 11:33:06
The process of licensing my home
A- The items needed for licensing a home are very similar to what a daycare would be required of.
Carbon Monoxide Detector
Smoke Detector
Adequate space
Door on room used for fostering for privacy
If room used for fostering is in the basement there are window requirements
No trampolines
Keep chemicals stored up and out of reach
Guns must be kept in a gun safe, unloaded, and ammo kept stored separate
All sharps are to be stored locked
All medications, prescription and non-have to be kept in a locked container or cabinet.
Emergency plan must be posted for fire, tornado, flood, and serious storm or serious injury
Pets must be vaccinated and provide up to date record of
Anyone 16 and older must have a current physical and TB test
Vehicles must be insured and have up to date maintenance documented
KBI and Canis background checks to include fingerprinting
Drivers License
After PSMAPP (training course) is taken, you are required to take 3 hrs of basic 1st Aid and CPR
Medication Administration on line course
Universal Precautions also available on line
So after seeing this, it is clear that it is not so difficult. It would be what any parent would want in place to care for their own child.