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Jacqui Brandwynne
Jacqueline Brandwynne started her Very Private® Q&A advice column to help people make their relationships happier and more intimate. The column focuses on dating, relationships, and intimate health. Jacqui also developed doctor recommended Daily Feminine Body Care products for women. For a free sample of the Very Private® Intimate Moisture product call (888) 837-9774. Mail a question to Jacqui: PO Box 491341, Los Angeles, CA 90049, or e-mail: info@veryprivate.com. For intimacy advice and to listen to Jacqui's radio show every Wednesdays visit www.veryprivate.com
Health & Wellness
2012-08-29 14:52:59
Frequently asked questions about vaginal infections
A- At Very Private® we get many letters from women of all ages about vaginal infections. To give you an overview we spoke to several doctors, reviewed the medical journals and browsed the web for answers. What everybody recommended is prompt, correct diagnosis to avoid serious health risk. Secondly, should you have any symptoms describe below avoid sexual contact and be sure that you are cured before resuming intimacy. When in doubt about your symptoms, please see a doctor to be diagnosed correctly. Data shows that two out of five women make the wrong self-diagnosis, most often believing that their symptoms are caused by a regular yeast infection. They don’t know that there are yeast strains that do NOT respond to the general over-the-counter remedies. Also, there may be several organisms present such as yeast and bacteria. So when these customers buy one of the well known brands, they may actually experience some relief from itching and discharge, but they are not aware that the infection is still progressing which may cause them serious health risks. Q: Are vaginal infections common and dangerous? A: Yes, they are common but usually not dangerous and respond quickly to appropriate medication. Four of five women in the US will have vaginal infections at some point in her life, and many women suffer from recurrent vaginal infections. Q: What are the symptoms of a vaginal infection? A: Itching, vaginal discharge that can be whitish, yellowish, gray or even greenish, unpleasant odor, discomfort or pain in the vulva (the external genital area). Sometimes there is burning or pain inside the vagina, especially during or after intercourse. Some women experience redness or swelling and sometimes little bumps appear on the inside of the vaginal lips. Q: Can there be discharge without an infection being present? A: Yes. When aging cells are cast off from the vaginal walls and expelled discharge may be noticed. Normal discharge can also be connected to the menstrual cycle and changing hormone levels. This mostly occurs during the monthly cycle, during ovulation, menopause and during and after pregnancy. Normal discharge has no noticeable odor. Q: What are the 4 most common vaginal infections? A: Yeast infections, called Candida albicans, accounts for 80% of all yeast infections. Recurrent yeast infections, called Candida glabrata, is a more serious infection. Bacterial Vaginosis is often mistaken for a yeast infection. Trichomoniasis. Two other conditions are often mistaken for vaginal infections; Allergic Vaginitis and Atrophic Vaginitis. These are not infections but may produce pain, itching and/or burning and swelling. For more specific information you can visit our website www.veryprivate.com and click on vaginal, medical conditions.
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