| Jess Daniels is Manager of AGChoice of Hepler. For more information please call 620-368-4347.
2012-08-29 15:23:02
Mediating heat stress to enhance cattle performance
A- Any number of feed ingredients have been reported to mediate heat stress, which in turn enhances performance in cattle: Aspergillus Oryzea products, yeast culture, feeding fat, ionophores, niacin, kelp. These ration additions tend to improve rumen fermentation or increase energy density, or increase vasodilatation- which will increase rate of cooling by getting more blood to the skin/surface
There is a product that has shown to increase feed intakes of heat-stressed feedlot cattle, using a proprietary blend of essential oils- natural ingredients containing cinnamon, garlic, and hot peppers. It is marketed as an all “natural flavor”. To protect the “all natural” statement- it is prudent not to promote that the material is a vasodilator. It has been shown to increase the dissipation of body heat by increasing peripheral circulation. Blood flow is also increased- with increased blood flow to the udder- we have seen increased milk production in dairy cows. Under heat stress, there has been a reduction in still births in sows by increasing blood flow to the uterus. The increased ability of the animal to dissipate heat leads to increases in feed intake and performance.
Here are a couple of similar products used in the field:
Cinnagar - made by Akey/Promvimi (recently purchased by Cargill), positioned principally for dairy cows- has been reported to improve rumen function, milk production, and DMI.
Escencia - a Citura product (Citura was recently purchased by Cargill) contains cinnamon and garlic.
I.C.E. (Internal Cooling Elements) - made by Promvimi (also recently purchased by Cargill). It contains an osmolite- which is kelp based- it is positioned/used similar to the Tasco kelp product: reduces body temperature, improved hair shed, increased first service conception, increased ADG in calves on grass, and increase body score condition of cows on grass
Xtract - a Pansoma product, ADM is said to have sole distribution rights. It contains cinnamon, cloves and hot peppers.
Many of these different forms are being added to feed and more commonly mineral blends as a means of getting the essential oils to the animals.