| Ed Martin is owner of Healthy Choices, Inc. of Wichita. Ed has been involved in the energy and health fields for over 30 years, focusing on pioneering new technologies and bringing cutting-edge products and services to the marketplace. You can reach Ed at; 316-207-7343, or by e-mail at healthychoices1@cox.net |
Health & Wellness
2012-11-19 10:12:24
The importance of water for good health
A- As we grow older, it seems that more and more of the people we know are experiencing serious health conditions. Why do you think that is? Recent findings from research labs around the world are providing scientists with an answer. They now believe that much of the disease and resulting deaths in our Western culture can be traced to having an overly acidic body
Here is an easy-to-understand model that explains the issue. Whenever the body burns food as fuel, it creates acidic byproducts that are toxic to the body. Many scientists now believe that accumulated build-up of these acidic wastes can be a primary cause of chronic diseases, overweight bodies and aging. The evidence also points to it being a major contributing factor in such horrific diseases as cancer.
Over the past 100 years, the North American diet and lifestyle have changed dramatically. Most of us no longer eat what we grow on our farm or in our garden. Instead we tend to jump into our car and head for the drive-thru. Our typical diet now consists of more acid-forming foods and drinks than ever before. Even the water we drink is either tap water that is full of chemicals or bottled water, and both can be highly acidic. Also, many people now prefer other beverages to water, and most of them also contribute to acidic body conditions.
If we want to improve our chances for living a longer life, we need to reduce the levels of acidic wastes that are accumulating in our bodies. Here are six things everyone can do to reduce their acidic build-up and bring their body back to as near neutral as possible.
1. Drink alkaline ionized water, and stop drinking all those other beverages. Alkaline ionized water starts to break up the acidic waste stored in the body fat around your cells. As the waste is eliminated, the fat cells shrink and so does your waistline. Your cells can only be as healthy as the fluid that surrounds them. By reducing and eliminating the acidic waste around your cells, you will feel, look and perform better at any age.
2. Avoid dehydration. Statistics have shown that most of the North American population is chronically dehydrated. Alkaline ionized water is six times more hydrating than tap or bottled water. This is because its water molecules form much smaller clusters than other water. The body absorbs it like a sponge, and there is no unpleasant taste or heavy sloshing feeling after you drink it. It feels light and smooth. By drinking water that is pleasant to drink, your body encourages you to drink more.
3. Eat an acid-neutralizing diet. Do your research. There are acid forming foods and alkaline forming foods. If you can eat 80% alkaline-forming foods and 20% acid-forming foods, you will be well on the way to restoring your natural body condition. Another key point is to reduce your sugar intake while also avoiding sugar substitutes.
4. Exercise. Yes, I know you don’t have time to exercise, or you don’t like exercise. But guess what? You don’t have to become a weight lifter or run a marathon. Start small. Just do some things every day to increase your activity level like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, taking a walk, or just getting outside and doing some gardening. Besides, after you start alkalizing your body, you will start having more energy and your body will want to start moving more. Then start to gradually increase your activity levels.
5. Reduce your stress levels. It has been shown that mild exercise, meditation and counseling can all help to alleviate stress. Pick what feels right for you, and find out more about it. Maybe even take a class if one is available. Talk things over with a partner or a friend to get ideas about how your stress levels can be reduced. Sometimes a church or spiritual group can help. You may want to take up something creative that relaxes you, like painting or wood working.
6. Stop smoking. Smoking is a constant irritant to the body, not to mention the poisons you are breathing. The acidic effects from smoking can be quite horrific. Smokers find that the more acidic their body becomes, the stronger their nicotine cravings are. Do whatever you can to stop this destructive habit. The chronic irritant factor alone causes inflammation which can trigger cell overgrowth, and we all know what that means.
There is an alarming increase in cancers and other chronic diseases caused by a number of factors including dehydration, acidosis, smoking, environmental pollutants, careless use of certain toxic products, and poor diet choices. If we are going to keep our health into our senior years, it would be wise to reduce the “silent inflammation” caused by oxidative stress in our bodies.
If you already have symptoms, it is even more urgent for you to pay attention. The silent inflammation inside you is not so silent any more. It has risen up into radar range, and it is telling you that you need to get rid of your body’s acidic load before something more serious appears. Research has shown that it can take up to six years before cancer becomes symptomatic enough to make itself known. Other diseases like diabetes can follow similar patterns.
Now is the time to do something so that you can enjoy life as you get older. Working hard to save for a retirement that is full of illness and despair is not what anyone wants. Don’t wait until you have symptoms to start alkalizing. All of the steps I have shared are important, but your first step should be to get a home water ionizer and begin drinking the high pH alkaline ionized water.