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Jennifer Holman
Jennifer Holman is the Social Media Director for Chart Marketing, Inc. (CMI) a full-service advertising agency, marketing firm and publishing company. CMI operates and markets a varied assortment of business products and services, including publishing of The Q&A Times and several B2B and B2C publications throughout the country.. She also volunteers with Girl Scouts and Hope in the Valley Equine Rescue and Sanctuary. You may contact Jennifer by phone at (316) 721-9200, by e-mail at jenniferh@chartmarketing.com, or you may visit at www.facebook.com/TheQATimesJournal.
Internet, Web Sites & E-mail
2013-01-02 14:12:36
To facebook or not to facebook...
A-Facebook is one of those new ideas that came around after My Space, and initially was set up for colleges and universities, so there were a lot of people who didn’t understand how it worked. Now, it’s bigger than My Space ever was and the centerpiece (if you will) of social media. I appreciate your questions and I will do my best over the next several issues to provide you with information. Since its launch in 2004, Facebook has become one of the most popular social networking sites on the internet. It’s a wonderful way for family and friends to keep in touch in our busy and often geographically challenged lives. Facebook can be a great way to reconnect with long lost friends, classmates, and colleagues. You can be a fan and get updates from your favorite celebrity, author, musician or sportsperson. Facebook offers games and apps that have the benefit of exercising the brain and hand muscles. Being new to Facebook, you’ll run into some unfamiliar terminology. Here are some common Facebook terms and their definitions Your Timeline is your page. It contains all your stories, your photos and videos, a list of your friends, your favorite activities and interests, and what used to be called your Wall. This is where your friends can leave you messages, and you can update the world with anything you feel like sharing. The News Feed is a continuous stream of updates about your friends’ activities on and off Facebook. It appears on your Home page. A Friend is someone you are connected to on Facebook. Friending is the act of sending someone a friend request; all friendships have to be confirmed by both people in order for it to be official on Facebook. The quick reference chart to the right should assist you in several areas. I will be back next month with more.
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