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Charlie Traffas
Charlie Traffas has been involved in marketing, media, publishing and insurance for more than 40 years. In addition to being a fully-licensed life, health, property and casualty agent, he is also President and Owner of Chart Marketing, Inc. (CMI). CMI operates and markets several different products and services that help B2B and B2C businesses throughout the country create customers...profitably. You may contact Charlie by phone at (316) 721-9200, by e-mail at ctraffas@chartmarketing.com, or you may visit at www.chartmarketing.com.
What's New
2013-04-29 13:16:08
What's new now? - series
A-These are very good questions….and most timely, following my article last month. If you haven’t read it, you may want to do so before reading this one. You can do this by going to www.theqandatimes.com, clicking on Recent Issues, and then clicking the April 1, 2013 issue. At press time for this issue, we were running 8 to 1 positive to negative. We had the biggest “one-month” percentage increase in subscriptions ever, for both Wichita and SE KS. These are always nice, but they are refundable pro rata if we stop publishing, which is always a possibility with each passing month, for several reasons. I try and read all of the comments. As you might imagine, it is always gratifying to read the positive ones…but every once in awhile, we get a negative one, like the one below that was posted to our Face Book page in SE Kansas. “Who’s this Piece of Garbage Charlie Traffas? This scum doesn’t deserve any forum to express his racist bigoted views. But I realize there is a Constitutional right to freedom of speech. That is why I can say unequivocally that old Charlie is a bottom feeding scumbag racist. I hope all the 280 citizens of Sharon are not as worthless as old Charlie. I realize that his parents aren’t responsible for giving birth to an abomination, like old Charlie. But old Charlie presents a strong, strong case for abortions, even late term ones. If only his parents could look into the future and see what a piece of garbage he would turn out to be, they may have terminated that idiot, right then and there. I would be surprised if old Charlie had any formal education whatsoever. But on the outside chance that he did receive some sort of education, he should seek a refund, since any education he received was totally wasted. I truly hope your publication doesn’t support such racists. But if you do I hope and pray this rag goes out of circulation.” BH – Pittsburg, KS. We also had a lady in Wichita who called every advertiser we have in our publication, telling them that I was a “very scary” person, along with several other things, because of my views and opinions. She told the advertisers they should cancel their advertising with us. None of them did, for which we are most appreciative. I am sorry for any wrongs I may have caused anyone to commit, and I forgive all of them for anything they said or did. Thank you for your questions. I will do my best to answer them. In doing so, this month’s article may be a little “heavier” than normal, but maybe “heavier” is what we need now more than at any time in our past. I have stated several times that I believe the world is tired of those who complain but don’t do anything to solve the problems they complain about. I have tried not to be guilty of this. While the solutions I propose might not appear in each article, it is not because I don’t have one…or several…but rather it is because it usually takes two or more articles (issues) for me to get all of my complaints stated (smile). Eventually I have always provided a solution or solutions. I will here as well. I have had people call or write and tell me the reasons why I write what I write is because I just like to vent; or that I hate those I criticize; or that I am trying to get even with someone. None of these are the case, or are any of my reasons because of the debt…deficit…sequester…party preference…budget debates…spending cuts…gun or immigration discussions…2014 mid-term elections…2016 general election…the resolution to the Syrian, Egyptian, Iranian or North Korean conflicts…my or your retirement…or the world that we will seemingly leave our children and their children. My singular reason for writing what I write is because of a much bigger picture…bigger than most people ever stop to think about. The bigger picture is where it has been for me for some time…and I will submit…where it will be for you…at “the end of the day”…even though you may not realize it now. Before I tell you what it is, I would like to ask that you not scoff at me or what I have to say…right now. It’s not that I can’t take it. It’s just that if you spend your time scoffing now, you will not be able to digest what I have to say. You will have your chance at the end of this article to do all of the scoffing you want to do. If at that time you want to dismiss most or all of what I have to say, you can do so. I will have invested my time to write it all in as a digestible way as I know how to do, and you will have invested your time in reading it…nothing more. At the end…we both walk away. If you will give me this chance to make my case, I can promise…your decision to do so will have the potential of paying you the biggest dividends you will have ever received in the past, or will ever receive in the future. And yes, before you bring it up…there are many people who would be much better than myself…the sinner that I am and have been…to address this issue…but few are doing it. And if they are to some degree...they’re not doing it “loudly” enough…or frequently enough…to make a mark. The basis of this bigger picture is the moral decay of America. The bigger picture is its eternal ramifications for each of us. America’s morals are decaying faster than the decay can be thwarted…much less replenished, nourished and healed. Further I am convinced, there is no action performed by any group of people in our society that contributes more to this moral decay than the lies, distortions and deflections of our elected officials. You might feel the same if you will think about it for a moment. There is no other group that garners as much press, and purports to be on track and in sync with the morals and ethics of America than this group. This is why their improprieties are so damaging…they are done, said and performed as though what they’re doing is ethical, moral and proper. From these lies, distortions and deflections, come all sorts of hidden agendas. We have no idea what they all encompass. From these hidden agendas come the failure by these elected officials to do the jobs they were elected to do…and have sworn to do. Laws end up being enforced inequitably, or not enforced at all. The press, who is to perform a most critical role in any society of clearly stating things as they are, without taking sides, becomes opinion-based instead of journalism-based, even though it is all still under the guise of being “journalistically pure,” and each plays to is own agendas. Given the choice of trying to better one’s self and family through hard work and achievements in all of this chaos, more and more people choose to become dependent upon the government. A “why bother” apathy sets in throughout the majority of the populace, even by those who are not seemingly…immediately affected…like many of you. Deficits and debt grow. Children grow up in an environment of hate, hopelessness and distrust. Families break apart. Crime is rampant. Waste, fraud and abuse permeate our government and its programs, on both the national and the state levels. Society becomes one with a looters’ mentality…everyone trying to get all they can, as quickly as they can, while there is still something to get. Every opportunity by more and more people in all walks of life to remove God, or any reference to God, from our daily lives, is exploited. Soon, there is nothing left, but Satan’s paradise. It is sad…but true. This is what we now have in America…more than at any time in our past. Towards the end…all of the world’s great civilizations had these problems. Not one of them survived. Few lasted more than 200 years. Have you ever thought about how many things you do…and have done in your life…just in case? If you will take the time to ponder this, you will find that many of the affairs in your life have caused you to do things…just in case. Just in case you don’t have enough money to last for as long as it needs to last, you don’t spend it all. Just in case you need more food to get you through until you can get to the grocery story, you don’t eat it all. Just in case you need someone to help you, you don’t alienate them by being rude or severely critical of something they did. Just in case you need money for things you will need later in life, you open a savings account. Just in case your home burns down or blows away, you buy insurance. But none of these things amount to anything when compared to the most important affair you have in this life…that of gaining eternal salvation in your next life. It is okay if this shocks you. It will be proven to you, and everyone who was ever born on this earth. While I will provide more explanation below, I submit that each of us can live our lives as if this is the way it is, and die to find out it isn’t; or we live our lives as if this is not the way it is, and die to find out it is.” I choose the first for many reasons…but also…just in case. Which do you choose, for the most important affair you have in this life? This…is the reason why I write what I write. Whether you are religious, spiritual but not religious, have no preference, Protestant, Catholic, Jew, Agnostic, Atheist, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Animist, Pagan, or any faith…your most important affair in this life is to gain eternal salvation in your next life. You will do this by using your free will to follow the laws of God, in order to live forever with Him, the angels and saints, and the Blessed Virgin Mary. If you ever wondered…this is what your life on this earth is all about. This is why you are here. As I previously stated, you don’t have to believe me…but in order for me to continue…I need you to grant me the premise of what I say to be your most important affair…for now. You can take it all back later when you dismiss most or all of what I have to say. With that premise being granted, think of the rest of your life as being a “race” that you will need to run. Some peoples’ entire “race” does not last too long. Brenda, my wife, finished her race on March 3, 2012, at the age of 57, after a 2 ½ year battle with cancer. Our son Dusty’s “race” was over at the age of 25, when he was killed instantly in the midst of a Toys For Tots’ Parade on November 4, 2001. My sister Rosemary’s “race” was over at the age of 2, after a battle with pneumonia. My nephew Clint’s “race” was over at the age of 14, when he lost his battle with cystic fibrosis. Dad’s “race” was over at the age of 75. Mom’s “race” was over at the age of 87. My Father-In-Law’s race was over at the age of 92. Some people’s “race” is over as an unborn infant, and others’ “race” can last more than 100 years. But in the final analysis, no matter the length of one’s “race”…it is but a snap of the fingers when compared to eternity. Eternity…how long is eternity? In a trillion earth years, eternity will have just begun. Let me say this again…and this time…ponder it even more. In a trillion earth years, eternity will have just begun. Science says our universe is 14 billion years old. A trillion years is more than 70 times longer than this…and this is not even a second when compared to eternity. Eternity never ends. Again...eternity never ends. Now, regardless of the length of your “race,” I can promise it will be uphill. Some peoples’ “race” will be more uphill than others’, but everyone’s race will definitely be uphill. You see, God promised us this from the sin of Adam and Eve (original sin), in Genesis 3:19, “By the sweat of your face you will eat bread, till you return to the ground, because from it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” There is another thing we each received from the sin of Adam and Eve. It is concupiscence. Concupiscence is an inordinate desire for pleasure. Notice the phrasing: an inordinate desire for pleasure. The desire for pleasure is a good and holy thing. In fact, St. Augustine notes that there can be no good unless it is delighted in. But original sin has wrangled pleasure, turning it into an end in itself. Instead of serving the good of others, the yearning for pleasure often turns us in on ourselves. Most of the what we want more of is classified as materialism (i.e. money, power, property, position, etc.). Unfortunately, materialism and its never-ending pursuit of the same, rules the world and affects so many of the decisions that we and others make. Everyone seeks materialism. The billionaire wants more. The millionaire wants more. The blue-collar worker wants an extra thousand dollars for a vacation. The poorest widow on the smallest Social Security income wants a roast instead of lunchmeat. The homeless man wants a new piece of cardboard with which to fashion a roof to keep out the rain. We all want more. I heard a sermon several years ago on this subject given by Joe Wright, former Pastor of the Central Christian Church in Wichita, Kansas. It was titled “Greed.” He defined greed as an inordinate desire for more, and more and more. “Greed,” he said, “is not being rich or having money, but rather, it is the love of money. “Greed” makes a promise it can never deliver. “Greed” is the number one challenge for everyone today. Of the 38 parables in the New Testament, 16 of them talk about how to handle money. There are 500 verses on prayer, a few less than 500 on faith, but more than 2,000 verses on money. God was trying to tell us something, don’t you think?” Being a slave to materialism fills one’s life with stress. Think about it: When most people have money and/or things, their lives are filled with how to get more. The thought of being without them is too painful and stressful to consider. How can one fully enjoy something when he or she is consumed with not having it? If you have concupiscence in check for yourself, you still have to deal with the concupiscence of others, which is more rampant today than ever. If I may, let me summarize what we have covered thus far. Regardless of your spirituality, or your lack thereof, your most important affair in this life is to gain eternal salvation in your next life. You will do this by using your free will to follow the laws of God. The period between now and when you die is your “race.” Your “race” is but a snap of the fingers when compared to eternity. Eternity is forever. There is no time in eternity. The clock makes only one sound… “forever…forever…forever.” Your “race” is guaranteed to be uphill…perhaps more so than others. It will be difficult enough for each of us to run our own uphill “race,” without anyone placing “boulders” and “obstructions” in the way. Compounding the difficulty of our “race” will be concupiscence, an inordinate desire for pleasure. This will be by your own volition for yourself, and/or the concupiscence of others that you will have to deal with. You don’t have too much further to go. In only a few more paragraphs you can dismiss all that I am stating. I would only ask that before you do…imagine your last seconds in this life. You have reached the end of your “race.” While you still have a breath left in your body, you can gain your eternal salvation (I welcome the opportunity to tell anyone how this is possible if you will allow me). Although it certainly does not make sense to wait this long, and God promises no one the opportunity, it is possible. But now…those seconds are gone. You have breathed your last. You have no time to do, undo or redo anything. Your soul has left your body. My Catholic faith tells me your soul will immediately find itself in front of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Particular Judgment), Who loves you more than you could ever realize. He wants you to be with Him forever in Heaven. Heaven is the greatest place you could ever be. Hell is the worst place you could ever be. Both will be for eternity. Your soul yearns to be with Him. Although our Lord is all-merciful, He is also all-just. He will pass an all-just and eternal sentence of Heaven or Hell on you for the state of your soul following your moment of death. It will be carried out immediately. This sentence will never change. There is no appeal. There is no continuance. It will be for your soul only until the end of time (the General Judgment). At that time…the end of time…your soul will join your body for all eternity. So…just in case…what I say is the way it is…why would you ever want to retain the risk…of your most important affair in this life? When people lie, distort the truth, or play to a hidden agenda, or play to an agenda not in sync with our most important affair, it is a “boulder” or “obstruction” placed in the middle of our “race.” Our “race” is quick…some quicker than others. We only have a short time to run our “race.” The last thing we need to do is have to negotiate “boulders” and “obstructions” that someone has thrown into our paths. This has to be our message to every elected official, regardless of their position, or their political persuasion…whether left, right or middle. Tell it like it is…always…the first time. Tell the truth. Answer the question. Don’t spin it. Answer the question. We have had enough of these “hidden agendas”…and all of the rest. Just tell it like it is. Quit lying. Quit distorting. Quit deflecting. When any of our elected officials say or do something that plays to an agenda not shared with us; or they espouse policies that hurt our country at home or abroad; or they fail to act prudently to do the job they have sworn to do…they are putting “boulders” and “obstructions” in the middle of our “race.” Each of us directly or indirectly has to deal with these. These improprieties cause us to commit all types of sins, but more than any…the 7 capital sins of sloth, pride, anger, greed, gluttony, lust and envy. This is why I write what I do, and why I will do all I can…with the little amount of “snap” I have left…to call out and stop these lies, deceits, distortions, deflections, “dives” and “ducks.” There are no actions, by any other group in America, that are making the contributions towards the moral decay of our county…and the state of each of our souls…than this group of people. I love these United States of America. I mean it. Some might say that I “stupidly” love this country and all it stands for…meaning that I love it in ways that some people would consider stupid for my exaggerated expressions. I love it that we are a democracy. I love the way our government is supposed to work, with its three branches. I love and respect all offices and positions, and in particular…the office of the President. All of us should want him to lead us…not divide us. We all know that together we can stand against anyone or anything…divided we will fail. Divided we will continue to fall into this moral decay. Divided...many of us will lose our souls. I love all of my freedoms. I love it that I can make a decision to jump in my car and go get an ice cream cone from a neighborhood business at 10 o’clock at night, or drive to Yellowstone National Park, the Smoky Mountains, or to Niagara Falls on a moment’s notice. I like it that I can call in sick for work if I don’t feel well, and that if I want, I can buy some stock online, or watch sports on TV, or record something and watch it later. I love it that I can do most anything I want to do, as long as I don’t hurt others in any way. I love it that I can vote for a person for a position who I feel will do the best job of not putting “boulders” or “obstructions” in the middle of anyone’s “race.” I love the equity we have in our country, our laws, our traditions, our Constitution, and our way of doing things. The longer we exist and grow together…the more equity we have. Yes, I love all of my freedoms…and I love and thank each and every one of those who have gone before me for these freedoms. No one has the right to fundamentally change America…no one…without the majority of us knowing what the fundamental change is going to be, wanting it and voting for it. There are millions of people who have lived and died and laughed and cried and suffered and celebrated throughout the last 260 years to make this the great country we have. This is what makes America. If someone wants something different than what we have, let them lay it out in front of all of us. Have them lay it all out…not just the parts they want us to see and hear. Tell us the entire truth…the first time…not later when they’ve been caught on something. Let the press do its job of examining what has been laid out. Let there be debate. Then let’s vote…and let our democracy rule. If it is voted for in a true and honest election, we will do it. If not, let’s put it back on the shelf…for now…or forever. Cut out the bickering and complaining and the false charges of racism and hate after it goes down. As you will note, I have included all elected officials in my charges, which includes President Obama. I cannot find any President in our history who has used (abused) the “bully pulpit” to the extent he has. This puts him at the forefront of all the elected officials I am charging. Yes, others…throughout history…have lied, misled, distorted, deflected, dived and ducked…but nothing has ever been as bad as it is today. If we’re going to stop it…it’s got to start with him. If he had said in 2007 and 2008 when he was running for the office, “I want to change this country. Here is what I want to do and how I will go about doing it. I want to get as many of you as possible receiving continual, monthly aid from the government. You will only have to work if you want to work. If you choose not to work, the government will provide you money, food, health care and housing. By the year 2013, I will do my best to have 50 Million Americans receiving food stamps, and more in the coming years. I will do all I can to loosen the disability rules so that as many of you who want to get on disability, at the end of your unemployment pay, can have an income for life. Few of you will ever be able to climb out of this dependent style of living, but you will know you will always be taken care of. I will only “mouth” my support of stopping consumer and governmental waste, fraud and abuse. By allowing this to continue, I will insure we can keep the status quo in this area for a long time to come. I will let all those wanting to come into our country have these same things. By the time I’m through, I will have 60% of our entire population dependent upon the government. When given the chance to vote for someone who is going to take away what someone is getting free, and one who is going to continue giving it to you…the choice will be obvious. Just to be sure I don’t have any weak links in my plan, I will also do all I can to bolster and support the unions, who have shown the ability for decades to put pressure in the right spots when it comes to elections. Next, I will so burden business with rules and regulations, that only the toughest will survive. I will do it under the guise of universal health care for all, in combination with my Executive Orders. After all, who could possibly stand against universal health care? There will be so many pages in this law and the rules and regulations that accompany it, that people will be finding out about for years what it contains. These rules and regulations will separate the ‘wheat from the chaff’ in business. The ones who can’t compete will go under. Those who are marginal will receive help from the government to exist, and they will be in our ‘camp’ too. I will so burden the rest with rules, regulations and taxes, that the government will basically own them…or they might as well own them. The government, who always knows best, will own most everything, and will dole it out as it sees fit. All of this should insure that my party rules for many years to come. It won’t take long before there are only two classes…the ruling class, and everyone else. This is the way the world was supposed to be organized all along. Vote for me and I will make it all happen.” You might laugh…or wince…but had he said this…had he told us the truth…had he told us what he really intended to do…do you think he would have been elected? I don’t think so. At the time he was elected to his first term (2008), more than 60% of Americans were still paying income taxes. This more than 60% would have never supported people doing nothing…when they themselves had to work, and save, and make prudent decisions. They wouldn’t have voted for these “fundamental changes” if they had know what they were. Or, are you one who takes the position that he never intended for any of what happened to happen? Do you think this has all happened by accident? That it wasn’t a plan? Really? I don’t think so. But all of this is not what then, Senator Obama said, is it? He said, “I am tired of watching the rich get richer and the poor get poorer in this country. I am tired of people filling up the emergency rooms for their health care. I am for the middle class. I am for you. I want you, the middle class of America, to rise and be better off, than you are now (appealing to the middle class has been the primary strategy for every politician, because that is where you find the majority of the populace...the “votes”). I want a new America (he definitely has a different one now than the one he inherited). I will end torture (now he uses drones to kill and there is no intelligence gathered). I will close Guantanamo Bay (it isn’t closed yet). I will let the Bush-Era Tax Cuts for the wealthy expire within the first year of my presidency (they didn’t expire until four years later, 12/31/2012). I will create a $10 Billion Foreclosure Prevention Fund to stop foreclosures on all homes (in its final analysis, it helped less than 500,000 homeowners of the nearly 5 Million homes that been foreclosed since 2008). I will have immigration reform accomplished in the first year of my term (it wasn’t even brought up until his Executive Order of June of 2012, perfectly timed to help him win re-election). I will restrict former lobbyists from working in my administration (it was never done…and due to waivers he granted, and “recusals,” he has had as many if not more former lobbyists and czars working in his administration than has any other administration before him). I will sign a Universal Health Care Bill (he did, but not for the purpose of health care, rather for the unparalleled rules and regulations it contains that allows government intrusion into more of the lives of its citizens and businesses than any other single piece of legislation in the history of our country). If you want to keep your health insurance, you can keep it…period (we know now, this will not be the case). If you want to keep your doctor, you can keep your doctor…period (we know now this will not be the case). Obamacare…and I like the name…because I do care…will lower the health insurance premiums of every family in America by $2,500 (we know now they will actually go up by an estimated 60% to 130%). I will cut the deficit in half by the end of my first term (in his first year, it increased by 33%, and has increased by that much or more each year since, and for the new budget as well…October 2013 through September of 2014). If you will grant me this $787 Billion stimulus, I will have unemployment capped at 7% my first year and it will decrease 1% each year thereafter (it actually became $829 Billion in stimulus, and unemployment went to 9.7% his first year, then 10.1% his second year, and it is only down now to where it was when he began because of the millions who have left the work force…it is actually at 11.7% presently). My administration will be the most transparent of any administration in history (it has been anything but transparent…there have been cover-ups and failures to respond to more than a dozen inquiries and subpoenas, such as putting Health Care negotiations on C Span, the Egyptian Terrorist in the White House, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, and so many others). Everything he said sounded good. It was what many wanted to hear, wasn’t it? It always is. What could he (or anyone) have said? First, he could have told us exactly what he envisioned for our country, each time he spoke. Instead of making claims that such and such was going to happen, or that he promised this or he promised that, he could have said, “I think this will happen,” or, “I think, based upon our calculations, this will happen,” or, “This should happen,” or, “I want to do this so I can do this,” or…as I said…he could have always told us the truth about everything. There have been so many lies, false promises, distortions, deflections, dives and ducks from our elected officials, about every issue confronting us, we have zero confidence in anything any of them have to say…being the truth and the way that it really is. On April 15th, we had the terrible tragedy of the bombing at the Boston Marathon where 4 were killed and 180 were injured. For something like this, to come home to us again, was horrible for each of us and our country. Following the incident, President Obama said, “We will find out who did this. We will find out why they did this. Any responsible individuals, any responsible groups, will feel the full weight of justice.” All of the stops were pulled. With all of the local law enforcement agencies from Massachusetts, the FBI, and a half dozen more Federal agencies, it was on its way to being avenged within days. This made us all feel good. But as more days went by, I wondered, “Why haven’t we reacted in the same fashion to all of our tragedies? Why, three and one-half years following the 13 who were killed and 30 injured at Ft. Hood in Texas, is the incident still categorized as ‘work place violence’? Why is Brian Terry’s death, the border agent killed in Operation Fast and Furious, still unavenged? Why is no one seemingly doing anything about it?” Following the attack in Benghazi, where 4 were killed, including our Ambassador, Chris Stevens, and dozens wounded, President Obama said, “The United States condemns in the strongest terms this outrageous and shocking attack. We’re working with the government of Libya to secure our diplomats. I’ve also directed my administration to increase our security at diplomatic posts around the world. And make no mistake, we will work with the Libyan government to bring to justice the killers who attacked our people.” More than 7 months later, nothing…seemingly…is being done. Why? Why would he or we ever spend more focus and effort on one tragedy involving Americans and terrorism than another? Who makes that decision? Why are not all Americans important and worthy of the oath he took to protect them? Are there some other agendas we do not know about? No American should ever have to wonder or worry about the answer to this question. Please, Mr. President, and all of you elected officials…do what you say you will do. We are in dire straits as a nation. We can no longer handle lies, false promises, distortions and deflections. Just tell it like it is…the first time…and always. Tell the truth. Answer the question. Don’t spin it. Answer the question. We have had enough of these “hidden agendas” …and all of the rest. Just tell it like it is. Quit lying. Quit distorting. Quit deflecting. From now on we will make our decisions based upon facts and what someone really wants to do. Enough is enough! You work for us. We demand the truth…in all matters…all of the time. Infractions against these are “boulders” and “obstructions that are placed in the middle of our “race.” Our “race” is but a snap of the fingers, and this “race” will be…for all of us…our most important affair. Who…whether elected official or anyone…is so selfish and greedy to think he/she has the right to ever mess with another’s “race,” unless it is in a positive way? You have now reached the point where you can dismiss most or all of what I have written. Since this may be the last time you get to see or read what I have presented…I would only ask one last time…before you do…imagine those last seconds in this life. Now…those seconds are gone. You have no time to do, undo or redo anything. Your soul has left your body. Your judgment will be the culmination of the most important affair of your entire life, which is now over. Our Lord Jesus Christ is getting ready to pass His all-just and eternal sentence on you…but He hasn’t yet. Is the last thing you want to tell Him…that you wholly supported others’ rights to place these “boulders” and “obstructions” in the middle of peoples’ “races”? I don’t think so. We demand the truth…from everyone…in every situation…the first time…and always. We…and America…deserve nothing less…and can no longer afford to tolerate anything less.
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