| Jennifer Schooley is the Co-Director of Vie Medical Clinic located at 613 N. Broadway, Suite C in Pittsburg. For more information or to reach Jennifer please call 620-235-0608
Health & Wellness
2013-04-29 15:53:02
How do I bring up a delicate concern?
A-There are times when your parents may not seem to be the easiest people in the world to talk to. It can be even worse if the subject of the conversation is something that you know will be upsetting. The important thing to remember is that as a pregnant teen, your mom or dad may be the people who are in the best position to help you handle this unexpected situation.
The best thing to do is choose a time when you will have complete privacy with your parents, as well as their full attention. Tell them that you have to talk to them about a serious matter and ask them if they will not interrupt you until you have finished. From the very first word, be completely honest with your parents.
Start the conversation with the maturity that you’ll need from now on. You’re in a tough situation and facing it in a grown up way will make the road a little less rocky. Avoid arguing if you can. Remember that you’ll have to expect some anger from your parents, but at this point in your life, they’re likely the best friends you could have. All parents want their children to be successful and happy, and having a child at a young age can make achieving your dreams more difficult – but, not impossible.
After the first shock waves have faded, talk with your parents about how you plan to handle this situation. Remember to give your parents some time to absorb all of this. It’s important to respect each other’s need for time and space. A family crisis has the ability to drive family members apart or draw them together. It’s not easy – but it’s possible. We’re here to help!