| Justin Crain is VP / Treasurer of American Concrete Co., Inc., which is owned by his parents, Dennis and Jane Crain. American Concrete is celebrating its forty-first anniversary and Justin is the third generation to be involved with the family company. American Concrete was awarded the 2011 Pittsburg Area Chamber of Commerce Small Business of the year award. Justin is currently the President of the Kansas Ready Mix Concrete Association and is currently on the board of directors for the Mount Carmel Foundation as well as the Pittsburg Public Library Foundation. Please visit our website, www.americanconcreteco.net, or call 620.231.1520. |
2013-04-30 09:01:42
Cracks in concrete basement walls
A-Cracks are common in basement walls and happen for a number of reasons.
First, you might have shrinkage cracks. Newly placed concrete has the largest volume it will ever have at the time of placement. Excessive drying or a significant drop in temperature increases the tendency for it to shrink. Also, if the footing and the walls are placed at different times, you will get different shrinkage rates that might lead to additional cracking.
Another type of crack is the settlement crack. These cracks are caused by non-uniform support of footings or expansive soils.
Another concern is structural cracks. Structural cracks in basements occur during backfilling, especially when heavy equipment gets too close to the walls.
Finally, some of the common basement cracks are caused by a lack of joints or improper joint practices.
There are many ways to control or minimize cracking in basement walls as recommended by the National Association of Homebuilders. Control joints are joints in the concrete that help prevent or minimize any cracking in the walls. These practices include such things as:
• Providing uniform soil support.
• Concrete being placed at a moderate slump.
• Following proper procedures.
• Placing control joints every 20-30 feet.
• Careful backfill done when the first floor is in place.
• Following proper curing practices.
Thanks for the question and I hope I have helped.