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Dr David A Jernigan
Dr. David A. Jemigan, D.C., B.S., CCPK is a published author and is nationally recognized as a leader in Biological Medicine and the treatment of chronic illness. Graduating with a Bachelor's degree in Nutri-tion with honors, he received his doctorate at Cleveland Chiropractic College-KC. Post Graduate studies have taken him far and wide, studying natural and anthroposophical medicine in Germany and Biological Medicine with the world-renowned Paracelsus Klinic in Switzerland. Later studies provided certification in Botanical Medicine through the University of Colorado, School of Pharmacy, as well as being fellowship eligible in homeopathy. Dr. Jemigan is also the developer of the diagnostic and treatment technique, Bio-Resonance Scanning. Through the experience gained by successfully treating some of the toughest illnesses in the world. Dr. Jemigan has developed a whole new concept in medicine, called Circuit Healing™. Dr. Jemigan brings a unique perspective to the treatment of chronic illness, owning a German Pharmaceutical company (Jomol Pharma, (Gbh) and an American Nutraceutical company (Jemigan Nutraceuticals, me.) with patents in 18 countries. He has personally developed over 30 novel natural medicines to date. And as past-president of the American Medical Academy of Thermodi-agnostics, he is one of the most experienced doctors in the U.S.A. in one of the latest FDA approved, adjunctive diagnostic device... Computerized Regulation Thermodiagnostics. Somerleyton Center has from its opening been a referral-based practice. News of great results spreads far and wide, seeing that 60% of his patients come from more than 100 miles away and as far as Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Hawaii, and Alaska to name a few. Dr. Jemigan is presently writing three more books and doing a CD series: "Logical Healing Through Bio-logical Medicine" and "Healing, Through God-Designed Living". Dr. Jernigan’s offices are located at 545 N. Woodlawn, Wichita, Ks, 67208. Phone: (316) 686-5900.
Health & Medicine
2003-08-01 13:57:00
What is it?...‘circuit healing’
Dr. David A. Jernigan Question:  I recently read about a woman who had an illness that was being treated with conventional medicine and not getting better.  She started a program call ‘circuit healing’.  What is it?Answer:  Perhaps the following example can help best in answering your question.  If you were to take the back off of a Swiss watch, you would see an incredibly complex system of gears. The precision that has made these watches famous, is created by many gears meshing together. Each of the gears is a separate piece, but each gear is interconnected with the rest of the gears through a complex system to ultimately achieve perfect time keeping.What would happen if you removed or damaged one gear? The precision would be lost and the watch would be completely useless. Not one gear out of the dozens of gears in a Swiss watch can perform its function if even one gear is missing or damaged.The human body is much more complex than the most intricately designed Swiss watch. Similarities can be made however. The circuits of the body can be likened to the various gears in the watch. Bach circuit in the body must work in unison with all of the other circuits of the body. The precision of the watch is determined by the perfect timing and rhythm of every single gear. The precision of the body is determined by the perfect function and rhythm of every single circuit,Imagine if you will, that the circuits of the body were simply gears that fit together and all had to be turning at the same time in order to function. Can you see if all of the gears were stuck, then repairing one gear will never get the body functioning? This is way most medicine is practiced today. The "Specialist" doctor attempts to get his "gear" unstuck. He can't tell that the gear is stuck because of something gone wrong far removed from his stuck gear because he is focusing only on his specialty...that one gear.Circuit Healing is used to find the cause of the symptoms. Unlike traditional medicine that specializes on one aspect of the circuit, for example, a heart doctor.  One needs to look at the whole circuit and identify the primary problem. Once the problem is identified and corrected the entire circuit goes back to 100% or maximum electrical capacity. Optimal health is achieved and maintained by keeping all of the body circuits functioning as close to 100% as possible.
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