| Gilbert Lietz
is a retired teacher and former Coordinator of Industrial Arts and Drivers Education for East High School, a position he held for over 30 years. He currently serves as President of RAFT (Recreational Area For Teachers), a 250 acre, family recreational area located 1 mile East of Augusta Airport and 3 1/2 miles South on Tawakoni Road. RAFT is open year round, with membership open to the general public and offers such things as fishing, camping, horseback riding, golf and much more. There is an open house Saturday, May 17th from 10 AM to 2 PM with free snacks. Everyone is invited. For more information, you may contact Gilbert at (316) 683-8979, or call (316) 799-2814. |
Family Counseling
2003-05-01 11:00:00
The world needs help
ANSWER: Wouldn't it be great to have an answer to a question like this? I'm not sure anyone does, but I am reminded of answers Will Rogers used to give. He would start out by saying… "all I know is what I read in the papers"… then he would go on and give an answer that was so simple and made so much sense… you wonder why everyone didn't come up with it. A few days ago I came across an ad promoting National Family Recreation Week. It's coming up June 1st through June 7th. Along with the ad was a short, little poem written by Amanda Reinsfelder entitled 'Family'. I am not familiar with her but the poem she authored started me thinking about some of the things you've asked. I'm going to submit to you that the answer… although complicated… may not be that complicated. Using ol' Will's approach… perhaps the answer to solving bigger puzzles is solving smaller ones first. Continents, countries and governments are awfully big… but they are all alike in that they are made up of smaller units… the family. I have to believe that a family that plays together and prays together and keeps on communicating in the fun times will keep on communicating in the not-so-fun times. This ‘being able to communicate’ regardless of the situation may just be an integral part of putting things back together. Here's her poem: Family - By Amanda Reinsfelder