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Kevin Harp
Kevin Harp is a 1-ACT Approved colon Hydrotherapist and owner/operator of the Natural Healing Center. He has 15 years experience in Alternative Healing and Therapy. Kevin is also a Nutritional Consultant. The Natural Healing Center is located at 125 S. West St. Ste 121 in Wichita. You can contact them by calling (316) 942-0053 to schedule your free consultation.
Health & Wellness
2003-08-01 11:28:00
What is 'Internal Detoxification?'
ANSWER: Internal detoxification is an ongoing process that our bodies perform on a daily basis. Our metabolic processes continuously encounter and dispose of a variety of toxins and poisons. Some are cellular waste materials of our own making, toxic by-products of metabolism. Others consist of environmental pollutants, pesticides and poisons ingested into our systems through the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink.   Under ideal circumstances the body is well equipped to neutralize and dispose of those toxins through the liver, spleen, and eliminative channels (bowel, kidneys, lungs, skin, and lymphatic system). But in modern day society there are no ideal circumstances. The Causes of Toxicity    Proper digestive and eliminative functions entail having 2 to 3 good bowel movements per day. Most people are not aware of this, and go through their daily lives eliminating once a day, once every other day, or less.    Infants are a perfect example. Ask any mother for proof-a baby will eat and immediately eliminate. Their new digestive systems have not had time to develop the mal-absorption problems caused by improper diet, environmental toxins and stress. Faulty digestion and elimination develop in an individual through years of improper lifestyle and dietary habits. When we are not eliminating properly, wastes may not be expelled for days, weeks, months or years. When we don't eliminate our wastes, toxins backup in the colon. This can cause auto-intoxification, or self-poisoning. This occurs when the bowel walls become encrusted with un-eliminated fecal matter, creating a "catch 22" situation. Not only does this toxic material hamper the absorption of vital nutrients through the intestinal wall and provide a breeding ground for unhealthy bacteria, but it also causes the blood capillaries lining the intestinal wall to begin absorbing these toxins into the bloodstream, consequently polluting all of our organs. This auto-intoxification lowers our overall feeling of health and vitality.
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