| Kevin Harp
is a 1-ACT Approved colon Hydrotherapist and owner/operator of the Natural Healing Center. He has 15 years experience in Alternative Healing and Therapy. Kevin is also a Nutritional Consultant. The Natural Healing Center is located at 125 S. West St. Ste 121 in Wichita. You can contact them by calling (316) 942-0053 to schedule your free consultation. |
Health & Wellness
2003-09-01 10:08:00
How important is digestion?
ANSWER: Studies have found if you experience any of the following symptoms, you may be experiencing autointoxication (a process whereby you are poisoned by substances produced by your own body as a result of inadequate digestion and elimination), and therefore you might want to consider some type of internal cleansing program:- Allergy or intolerance to certain foods- Bad breath and foul-smelling gas and stools- Constipation, diarrhea, sluggish elimination, irregular bowel movements- Frequent congestion, colds, viruses- Flatulence and frequent intestinal disorders- Frequent headaches for no apparent reason- General aches and pains that migrate- Intolerance to fatty foods- Low energy; loss of vitality for no reason- Lower back pain- Lowered resistance to infections- Pain in your liver or gall bladder- PMS, breast soreness, vaginal infections- Skin problems, rashes, boils, pimples, acne If you have severe symptoms or any serious disorders, seek the attention of a competent health care provider. The above list is only meant to indicate some of the symptoms of autointoxication. Anyone who has been on a Standard American Diet for more than two years would benefit from periodic cleansing, especially if you live in an urban area. Every cell of our body is affected by self-poisoning. When the toxins accumulate in the nervous system, we feel irritable and depressed. We feel weak if they back up into the heart, bloated if they reach the stomach and our breath is foul if they reach the lungs. If the poisons try to escape through our skin, rashes and blotches develop, or we look pale and our skin appears wrinkly. If the toxins make it to the glands, we feel fatigued, lethargic, our sex drive may cease and we appear to look much older than our actual age. So in answering your question, the efficiency of your digestive system is very important to your overall health and may have a large effect on your daily life.