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Terry Fox
Reverend Terry G. Fox is Senior Pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church. He is Chairman of the North American Mission Board, member of its Executive Committee and the FamilyNet Broadcast Communications Committee, as well as numerous other subcommittees. He's listed on the Who's Who Among Outstanding Corporate Executives. He is a sought after speaker and has traveled and ministered in many places in the United States, Latin America and Southeast Asia. Rev. Fox and his wife Barbara have three children. You may contact him at Immanuel Baptist Church, 1415 South Topeka, Wichita, Kansas, 67211; phone (316) 262-1452; or Fax (316) 262-4704.
2003-09-01 14:53:00
How can I be assured of my salvation?

***image1:left***QUESTION: Religion teachers of all faiths believe and preach that their religion is the correct one.   How does one really know whether or not his/her religion is the right one for salvation?

ANSWER: You have asked the right question.  Do not listen to those who say that all religions are the same.....that "all roads lead to the top of the same hill,"  and that all that matters is "you are sincere".   Isn't this is an insult to all who seriously believe?  The different faiths are really different.  They do not all worship the same god.  Your question is serious, too.
   Are you asking about all the earth's religions, or only about the different branches of Christianity in this country?  Probably the latter is the case, since Christianity provides the world-view that has produced our Constitution, legal system, respect for human rights, and (until recently) our educational institutions.
   Christianity is the only religion whose Founder was expected!  God had given the Jews centuries of preparation for the coming of the Messiah.  They had catalogued over 400 prophecies about Him: His birthplace, conception, lifestyle, purpose, etc.  Even the time of His birth was predicted over 400 years ahead, resulting in several "false messiahs" while He was here. The Jewish animal sacrifice system taught them that sin must be paid for by a substitutionary death.  Jews wrote almost all of the New Testament and the Gospel was spread throughout the Roman Empire on Jewish lips.
   If you have chosen "Christianity", the question is one of "churches" or "denominations".  Some of the differences between denominations are minor, so learn the difference between important doctrines (e.g., the basis for salvation, or the deity of Christ) and minor options (e.g., style of church music, or type of church organization).
   Some churches make the church the basis or arbiter of truth; others make the Bible the standard for doctrines.  May I suggest that you add another one:  The main aim in Christianity is knowing God!  Not knowing ABOUT Him, but having a personal relationship with Him.  This is possible because Christ has returned to Heaven as the God-Man.... the perfect intercessor between a person and the Creator God.  He has opened the way by allowing us to reject and kill Him, rising in victory over death, and returning to Heaven with understanding of human feelings and trials.  "Knowing God" is the criteria.      
   Does this church lead you to know Him, rather than mainly to keep His rules and perform religious acts? Actually, many people would prefer to be given the rules and duties of the religion, rather than having to deal with God Himself!  That is scary!  But "rule keeping" treats Heaven as a prize to be earned.  If we could earn eternal life ourselves, it would not have required Christ's death. God's grace (undeserved gift) is the essential of salvation. 
   Be sure the "Clerics" teach the Risen Christ as your personal Companion and Lord.  Even the Jews looked for this: "Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, nor the mighty man glory in his might, nor the rich man glory in his riches, but let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and KNOWS ME, that I am the Lord..", declares the Lord.  (Jer. 9:23-24)      
   Your question referred to salvation.  Salvation is not just an "after-life" insurance policy; It is a new life here. None of us are fit to run our lives alone.  Christ said He came so that we could "have life abundantly" and "have fullness of joy".  Don't settle for less. 
   One final warning: don't try to study all the religions.  You could spend your life on this and not know God. Seek God- not the "best religion".  "Call unto Me, and I will answer you and will show you great and mighty things that  you do not know."  (Jer.33:3).  We all have a hunger for God and need a way to deal with our guilt.  Jesus claimed, "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through Me."(John 14:6)  You don't have to have all your questions about God answered before you can know Him.  

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