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Dr Joseph Galichia
Joseph P. Galichia, MD is the founder and Medical Director of the Galichia Medical Group, PA. He is an internationally recognized pioneer in the field of interventional cardiology. In the 70's, Dr. Galichia studied in Zurich, Switzerland with the inventors of the balloon angioplasty technique for treating heart disease. As a result of his experience, he was able to bring this historic technique back to the United States where he was one of the first physicians to perform coronary angioplasty here. A noted medical spokesman, he appears on a weekly Newstalk segment on KWCH Channel 12 and has a weekly syndicated radio talk show on KNSS 1330 AM every Saturday live from 11:00 am to noon. Dr. Galichia may be contacted by sending an e-mail to service@galichia.com
Health & Medicine
2003-11-01 14:34:00
Can I continue treatment?
ANSWER: An allergic reaction to an antibiotic on the 10th day of treatment will likely recur if you take the drug again. Most of these reactions are characterized by skin rashes, occasionally more serious problems occur. A difficulty breathing due to bronco spasm or swelling of the throat may result in life threatening allergic responses. Shock and vascular collapse may also complicate the allergic reaction. For these reasons, we are not inclined to challenge patients with antibiotic they have been allergic to under any circumstances.    Fortunately, we usually have a number of antibiotics to choose from when treating any given infection. It is very important to share any suspected allergic reactions with your physician and make sure this information gets to your medical record. In a rare instance, an antibiotic with known allergic response maybe given in a life threatening situation. Full knowledge of the risk is important, as accompanying drugs may be given to blunt the allergic response.
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