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Kevin Harp
Kevin Harp is a 1-ACT Approved colon Hydrotherapist and owner/operator of the Natural Healing Center. He has 15 years experience in Alternative Healing and Therapy. Kevin is also a Nutritional Consultant. The Natural Healing Center is located at 125 S. West St. Ste 121 in Wichita. You can contact them by calling (316) 942-0053 to schedule your free consultation.
Health & Wellness
2003-12-01 08:41:00
Why does food accumulate?
ANSWER: When food reaches the stomach that is not wholesome, combined incorrectly, or harmful to the body, a signal is immediately sent from the stomach to the mucus manufacturer, "Get busy, the enemy is on the way!" Mucus begins production immediately and the colon and small intestine becomes lined.  When the poison or harmful food from the stomach finally enters the small intestine and then the colon 12-18 hours later, the latter is well prepared with a layer of mucus for absorbing any of the poison.    This mucus disintegrates and is slowly discharged from the colon. But nature never intended that protective mechanism to be used as continuously as it is today. The result is, layer on top of layer is secreted until its accumulation thickens. This layer(s) becomes thick, hard and as black as a piece of old rubber.   Correctly combining foods makes the difference in proper digestion, cholesterol and metabolism. Without complete digestion, the nutrients in even the most wholesome foods cannot be fully extracted and assimilated by the body. Moreover, incomplete digestion and inefficient metabolism are the prime causes of fat and cholesterol accumulation. A high calorie diet of overcooked, processed and improperly combined foods will make you fat and leave sticky deposits in your arteries, just as the wrong mix of fuels will leave carbon deposits on the spark plugs of an engine, clog the pistons, and create foul smelling exhaust.   Many so-called allergies are the direct result of improper food combinations. The bloodstream picks up toxins from the putrefied, fermented mess as it passes slowly through the intestines, and these toxins in turn cause rashes, hives, headaches, nausea and other symptoms. The same foods that cause allergic reactions when improperly combined often have no ill side effects whatsoever when consumed according to the rules of Trophology. When you immobilize your stomach and impair digestive functions by consuming foods in indiscriminate combinations, the bacteria in your alimentary canal have a field day. They get all the nutrients and thrive, while you get all the wastes and suffer. When the impacting of toxic mucus in the colon reaches critical pressure, it causes a pocket to balloon outward through the colon lining, causing a condition known as diverticulitis. Colitis, IBS, and colon cancer are the next stages of colon deterioration caused by these conditions.
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